Why is the school called Chronos?

Chronos is a transliteration of the Greek word χρόνος meaning time. Each week of school is a stop on our diachronic time-travel as we study history, science, math, literature, philosophy and art synchronically from a concurrent time.

A Micro-school is a private school that is intentionally small so students can benefit from individualized classwork, multi-age group projects, and other unique experiences. Because Chronos Academy is limited to 40 students, they can Make projects every day, present essays & research weekly, set and achieve their own goals, and thrive. Micro-schools in the news: Insider, Education Week, Medium, New York Times

What is a Micro-School?

How much homework do Chronos Academy students have?

Most “homework” is completed at school. Students complete math, writing, diagramming, Latin/Greek and analytical reading assignments during classes and Tutorial Period. At home students eagerly & voluntarily share what they’ve learned with their parents—that’s better than homework.

Yes, each K-8th grade students receives one hour per week of individual tutoring to use for math, writing, language and/or presentation preparation.

Is individual tutoring included?

Are Chronos students gifted?

Some are gifted, but all are motivated and curious learners who are willing to work independently as well as in multi-age groups.

Chronos Academy students earn Awards for skills, knowledge & achievements. During weekly Advisory, students assess their progress on goals from the previous week and set new goals for the next. Parents weigh in on this process with weekly feedback surveys and during Parent/Student/Teacher Check-in meetings.

Progress reports and transcripts use the following scale:
E: Exceeding - Student is performing above grade level expectations, consistently demonstrates an advanced level of understanding/skills and completes at least 90% of assignments.
M: Meeting - Student is performing at grade level and has independently achieved mastery and completes at least 80% of assignments.
A: Approaching - Student is approaching grade level but needs additional instruction and/or support and completes at least 70% of assignments.
N: Needs Improvement - Student is significantly below grade level and completes less than 70% of assignments.

How do you grade?

We use computers as tools not teachers. Students may not use computers during most classes, but many students use Beast Academy or Khan Academy as their Math curriculum. Students may access a limited list of learning sites during Tutorial for research and online academics. In collaboration with parents, we maintain a healthy balance of screen time for each student.

How much time do students spend on computers at school?

Weekly Advisory includes a check up on each students SEL goals & progress. Students are expected to Respect Others And Their Stuff (ROATS), own up to their mistakes, and encourage and support one another every day. We start each day with shout-outs about “ROATSy” deeds and ideas of how to be ROATSy during the day.

What is your Social Emotional Learning Program?

When a student is not able to work with the class, they receive a gentle warning first, then a few minutes break alone second. If a third warning is needed, parents are asked to pick up the student to regroup at home for the next day.

What is your discipline policy?

We maintain at most an 8:1 student faculty ratio. Classes have 8-12 students.

What is your student-faculty ratio?

Yes, each summer we preview the following year’s content in Maker Camp. It’s a fabulous opportunity to get a taste of the Chronos approach for a week or two.

Does Chronos Academy have a summer program?

Will Chronos Academy prepare my child for high school & college?

“Before my daughter started Chronos, her reading comprehension score was average or a little above, but now it’s almost off the chart!!! I’m making sure she’ll take Latin next year at Cardinal Newman to keep this up.” —mom of an 8th grader

“A huge thank you for your endorsement to San Domenico!  We are so excited she got in - and we appreciate the time you took to help us.” —mom of an 8th grader