Individual Tutoring

$80 per hour

Individual tutoring appointments are available at any time: days, evenings & weekends. We carefully match each student to a subject specialist and arrange an initial meeting. There, the tutor identifies educational goals and a plan to achieve them with the student (& his/her parents). They work out a monthly contract, and payment is due at the first meeting of the month. Students can change the schedule or type of tutoring at any time, but cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before the appointment. Tutors can meet students at Chronos Academy or on Zoom.

Group Tutoring

$55 per hour

In group tutoring, students benefits from a little guidance and a good helping of positive peer pressure. Group tutoring is a nice way to save a little money but still get the specialized attention of a tutor. Groups range from 2 to 6 students who share a subject or grade level. On Zoom, students each share a screen of their independent work as a tutor helps each student individually, annotating on his screen when helpful. Groups meet at Chronos Academy or on Zoom.

AP Calculus - Thursdays 5:45-6:45

Occupational Therapy