Memorize, Research & Explore these topics this week.

AN23 Olmec_warrior.jpeg
Audio Block
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Around 1200 BC in Ancient Mexico the Olmecs built colossal heads and temples out of stone discovered in 1969 by Jose Serrano. The meaning of Olmec artifacts still remains unknown. In the Nazca Desert 2000 years ago, people drew gigantic shapes that could only show from a high vantage point looking down below. Paul Kosok discovered them just 80 years ago.

Story of the World, Vol. 1, Chapter 26
Ancient History Encyclopedia Nazca & Olmecs
Wikipedia Olmecs & Nazca Lines

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

North America:
United States of America
The Bahamas
Dominican Republic
St. Kitts and Nevis


Practice labeling from memory on this map.
Challenge: Practice drawing the map free hand from memory.



Subordinating conjunctions join dependent clauses to independent clauses: when while where as since if although whereas unless because

Grammar Revolution

πιστός faithful
πρῶτος first
ἅγιος holy
πονηρός evil
μικρός small, little

Practice Vocabulary on Quizlet.
Etymonline Dictionary of the etymology of words.


Archimedes principle states that anything submerged in gas or liquid is acted upon by an upward force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.


π is the ratio of the Circumference of the circle to the Diameter and is approximately 3.1416.



Carve an Olmec head

“Anything forced is not beautiful”
“No human being will ever know the truth, for even if they happened to say it by chance, they would not know they had done so.”
“For I believe that the best life is lived by those who take the best care to make themselves as good as possible, and the pleasantest life by those who are most conscious that they are becoming better.”
― Xenophon

Music Appreciation
Music from the Andes

Dyskolos - The Grouch



Grammarians (K-4th graders)

Memory Work
Review this week’s Memory Work (above). Be sure to listen to the History Song & Timeline song.

Grammarian Presentation
Choose an event from the Timeline & tell us about it.

Advanced Presentation
Choose one topic above, do a little research and prepare a 2-3 minute presentation to teach us what you learned in class next week.  Hint: Follow the links above, the suggestions below and/or search Khan Academy or Youtube for good educational videos.

An historical figure or event
A timeline event
A country from Geography
English Grammar
Latin vocabulary and its English or Spanish derivates
The mathematician or math topic
The scientist’s discoveries, experiment or science
A style of art
Music from that country/time

Dialecticians (5th-8th graders)

Memory Work Quiz
Quiz Friday on Week 23 Memory Work
Study Ancients Session 4 History on Quizlet
Study Session 4 Timeline

Dialectician Presentation
From the topics above, write three questions that integrate the topics from this week with another topic from this week or a previous week. Make a note card of key facts, then do a 5 minute presentation in class next week. Optional: create a google slide of images to show during the presentation.

Language Arts

Elementary Greek
Complete Lesson 23 in your workbook and study for Quiz 23. Practice on Quizlet.

”Borrow a Conflict” & rewrite a famous story in an Ancient context.

Diagram Week 23 Sentences

Advanced Diagramming
Diagram the challenge sentences or the philosophy quote.

Write 3-5 annotations per chapter on your own book about ancient times. Prepare a creative book report on The Odyssey or the book you've chosen.


Learn by Doing

Make History
Make fried cassava

Make Science
Archimedes & physics

Art Appreciation
Carve an Olmec head

Explore Archimedes & pi

Physical Education
Mesoamerican Ball Game


Field Trip
City College of San Francisco (see #29)


Quizlet Ancients Year

Lizard Point geography

Typing Club

Beast Academy Math



8000 BC  Citizens of Jericho build the first walled city
3300 BC  Sumerians invent writing
3100 BC  Narmer unifies Egypt
3100 BC  Early Britons start constructing Avebury and Stonehenge
2750 BC  Imhotep’s first stone pyramid
2700 BC  Uruk’s great King Gilgamesh
2500 BC Harappa was founded on the Indus River
2340 BC Sargon of Akkadia
2100 BC Domestication of the horse, Sintashta
2100 BC Patriarchs of Israel
2000 BC Minoans of Crete
1950 BC Akkadia falls to Babylon
1792 BC Hammurabi the Amorite rules as King of Babylon
1628 BC Thera Erupts and tidal waves destroy coastal empires
1600 BC Hittites rule Anatolia
1558 BC Shang Dynasty rules the Yellow River Valley
1500 BC Aryan people enter India
1500 BC Moses leads the Hebrew Exodus
1500 BC Phoenicians trade on the Mediterranean
1450 BC Mycenaeans, the first Greeks
1200 BC Olmecs, the first Meso- american civilization
1100 BC Zhou Dynasty overthrow the Shang
1070 BC Kush rule Nubia
1010 BC David, King of Israel
1000 BC Bantu migrate throughout Africa
850 BC Greek Dark Ages
814 BC Phoenicians settle Carthage
800 BC Homer writes his poems
768 BC Etruscans spread south ofthe Alps
685 BC Assurbanapal collected cuneiform tablets in his Library at Ninevah
626 BC Chaldeans defeat the Assyrians
620 BC The Seven Sages of Greece
605 BC Nebuchadnezzar exiles the Jews
599 BC Mahavir, Jain teacher
563 BC Siddartha Gautama
559 BC Cyrus the Great rules over Medes and Persians
551 BC Confucious Reforms China
530 BC Pythagoreans believe in numbers
500 BC Darius the Great attacks Greece
500 BC Lau Tzu teaches Taoism
500 BC Warring States Period leads to the Qin (Chin) Dynasty
431 BC The Peloponnesian War
425 BC Herodotus writes The Histories
399 BC Socrates teaches Plato
336 BC Aristotle tutors Alexander the Great
335 BC Alexander the Great conquers the Persians and Egypt
321 BC Chandragupta and the Mauryan Empire
300 BC Euclid’s Elements
268 BC Ashoka rules India
264 BC Rome fights Carthage in three Punic Wars
250 BC Archimedes of Syracuse
221 BC Shi Huangdi, Chinese Emporer
197 BC Roman Republic conquers the world
140 BC Hipparchos catalogues the stars in Nicaea
105 BC Heron’s College in Alexandria
100 BC The Nazca people flourish
70 BC Lucretius, Epicurean
59 BC Julius Caesar, emporer for life
45 BC Cicero
3 BC Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, born in Judea, Israel Israel
30 Paul, Missionary to the Gentiles
54 Nero persecutes the early Church
70 Titus destroys Herod’s Temple and Jerusalem
168 Ptolemy writes The Almagest
180 Marcus Aurelius writes Meditations
300 Yamato dynasty in Japan
306 Constantine the Great converts to Christianity
320 Sri Gupta starts India’s Golden Age
380 Augustine of Hippo writes his Confessions
395 Roman Empire divides East and West
410 Visigoths sack Rome
449 Anglo-Saxons invade England
453 Attila King of the Huns
496 Clovis unites the tribes of France
514 Mayans found Chichen Itza
537 Isidore of Miletus builds Hagia Sophia in Constantinople
590 Yan Chien unifies China
622 Muhammad travels to Medina
639 Muslim Caliphs expand the Arab Empire
683 Zero used in Cambodia
700 Ghana trades gold and salt
732 Charles Martel defeatsal al Rahman near Tours, France
768 Charlemagne becomes the first Holy Roman Emperor
790 Vikings raid Europe
802  King Jayavarman II of the Khmer Empire
810  Al-Khwārizmī (Algoritmi) publishes his Book on Calculation (Algebra)
900  Tiwanaku culture builds south of Lake Titicaca
947  Ce Acatl founds the Toltec Empire in Yucatan
980  Vladimir becomes ruler of Kiev
1000  Leif Ericsson sails to North America
1054 The Great Eastern Schism of the church
1054 Crab Nebula supernova
1066 William the Conqueror wins the Battle of Hastings
1095 Pope Urban II calls for the First Crusade
1096 Teaching begins at Oxford University
1113 King Suryavarman II builds Angkor Wat
1157 Ibn Rushd translates Aristotle
1200 Maori arrive in New Zealand
1202 Fibonacci publishes Liber Abaci
1209 Genghis Khan’s conquests
1215 King John of England signs the Magna Carta
1271 Marco Polo’s journey to China
1273 Aquinas interprets Aristotle
1299 Osman I founds the Ottoman Empire
1320 Dante’s Divine Comedy
1324 Wealthy Mansa Musa of Mali
1325 Aztecs build Tenochtitlan
1347 Black Plague from China to Europe
1368 Hongwu’s Ming Dynasty in China
1387 Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales
1400 Fra Angelico’s rare and perfect talent
1415 Henry the Navigator
1430 Durer and Bruegel in the Northern Renaissance
1431 Joan of Arc in France
1450 Incas build Machu Picchu
1453 Turks conquer Constantinople
1455 Gutenberg invents the printing press
1462 Ivan the Great rules Russia
1466 Leonardo da Vinci
1470 Sunni Ali expands the Songhay Empire
1488 Michelangelo and the High Renaissance
1492 Columbus sails west to find Asia
1497 Vasco da Gama rounds the Cape of Good Hope
1517 Martin Luther’s Reformation
1519 Cortes conquers the Aztecs
1520 Suleiman the Ottoman Lawgiver
1522 Magellan’s expedition circumnavigates the globe
1527 El Greco and Mannerism
1536 John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion
1543 Copernicus publishes The Revolution
1550 Caravaggio, Bernini and Baroque
1558 Elizabeth I, Queen of England
Britian defeats the Spanish Armada
William Shakespeare’s first play
Jamestown founded
Galileo’s first telescope
The Mayflower sails to Plymouth Rock
Iemitsu closes ports in Japan
1637  Renee Descartes, the father of modern western philosophy
1653  Oliver Cromwell’s Civil War
1665  Newton’s and Leibniz’s Calculus
1690  John Locke
1703  Johann Sebastian Bach
1727  Leonhard Euler
1753  Carl Linnaeus, Biologist
1764  Mozart and the Classical period
1769  James Watt patents the steam engine
1776  James Cook ocean explorer
1776  US declares independence from Britain
1778  Beethoven and the Romantic Arts
1780  Jacques Louis-David, Neo-Classical painter
1781  Immanuel Kant’s philosophy
1787  US Constitution ratified
1801  Hegel’s absolute idealism
1801  Georg Friedrich Gauss teaches Bernhard Riemann
1802  Napoleon crowned consul for life
1808  Goethe publishes Faust
1819  Delacroix, Romantic Painter
1820  The British claim the South African Cape Colony
1821  Mexico independence
1840  Millet, Realist painter
1848  Marx’s Communist Manifesto
1859  Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species
1861  The American Civil War
1863  Khan defends Afghanistan
1864  Faraday and Maxwell
1865  Mendel founds genetics
1865  U.S. Congress bans slavery
1865  Claude Monet, Impressionist
1868  Emperor Meiji restores imperial rule in Japan
1873  Gauguin, Post-Impressionist
1876  Bell patents the telephone
1879  Edison’s electric light
1900  Boxer Rebellion in China
1900  Matisse, Picasso, and Duchamp
1901  Roosevelt and his rough riders
1903  Wright brothers’ first plane flight
1904  Sigmund Freud, psychoanalyst
1905  Einstein’s annus mirabilis
1908  Ottoman Empire reforms
1912  Hubble’s galaxies
1914  Gandhi in India
1914  Armenian Genocide
1914  World War I
1915  René Magritte, surrealist
1917  Lenin’s Bolshevik Revolution
1924  19th Amendment: Women’s Suffrage
1929  The Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression
1933  Hitler’s Holocaust
1940  World War II
1945  United Nations
1945  Green Revolution
1948  Mohandas Gandhi assassinated
1948  Nation of Israel
1954  Brown v. Board of Education
1957  Sputnik & Yuri Gargarin
1963  John F. Kennedy
1969  American astronauts walk on the moon
1975  The Vietnam War ends
1989  The Berlin Wall falls
1991  Gorbachev resigns; Communism outlawed
2001  September 11 and the War on Terror
2004  Information Age and the global internet