Chronos Curriculum for
Lower Dialecticians
First & Second Graders are cognitively able to memorize to mastery, multiply with arrays, learn to read independently, and narrate a story they have heard. Chronos Academy capitalizes on the Grammar Phase of learning and challenges Middle Grammarians to learn rich content in seven subjects every week.
A Day in a 5th-6th Grade Class
8:30-9:30 Math
Beast Academy Online Math
9:30-10:30 Chronos Core
Math, Science, Literature & Philosophy Primary source texts
The Story of the World history discussions
Current events Socratic Seminars
Memory master quizzes
Research & Presentations every week
10:30-11:00 Snack & Outdoor play
11:00-12:00 English Language Arts
History-based Writing
Sentence Diagramming
Greek or Latin Language
Living books literature
12:00-12:30 Lunch & Outdoor play
12:30-1:30 Tutorial
Complete all assignments at school
Individual tutoring one hour per week
1:30-2:30 Art & PE
Art History & Technique
Cultural Games & Sports
2:30-3:30 MAKE time
STEAM projects integrate with History, Science, Math & Geometry topics
12:30-3:30 Friday Field Trips
Nature hikes & Museums
3:30 Dismiss
3:45-5:00 Optional After-School Enrichment
art history & technique
innovate free build projects
PE games from around the world