Young children are natural researchers; they’re collecting knowledge for life.
Chronos Curriculum for
Middle Grammarians
First & Second Graders are cognitively able to memorize to mastery, multiply with arrays, learn to read independently, and narrate a story they have heard. Chronos Academy capitalizes on the Grammar Phase of learning and challenges Middle Grammarians to learn rich content in seven subjects every week. They memorize to music, sign language & mnemonics to make it stick!
A Day in a 1st-2nd Grade Class
8:30-9:30 Chronos Core
Memorize history, geography, science & math to song, sign, rhythm & movement
Story of the World read aloud & activities
Arts & Crafts
Review games
Presentations every week
9:30-10:30 English Language Arts
Handwriting without Tears
Phonics for Reading
Sight Words
10:30-11:00 Snack & Outdoor play
11:00-12:00 Math Club
Beast Academy Online Math
Skip-counting songs
Number Sense
Games & Concrete Math
12:00-12:30 Lunch & Outdoor play
12:30-1:30 Language & Literature
Song School Latin
Living Books read aloud
Music & movement
1:30-2:30 Art & PE
Art History & Technique
Cultural Games & Sports
2:30-3:30 MAKE time
STEAM projects integrate with History, Science, Math & Geometry topics
12:30-3:30 Friday Field Trips
Nature hikes & Museums
3:30 Dismiss
3:45-5:00 Optional After-School Enrichment
Friday Presentations
learn math & language skills at the student’s pace
MAKE every day