After the Shadow Day, you just know!
Student Shadow Days are the best way to determine whether Chronos Academy is right for your student. Your child will get to know other students, learn some memory work, dabble in the assignments, get a feel for the teaching style, and Make their own projects. Email to request a date. Student applications and application fee must be submitted before the shadow day.
Preparing for Shadow Day
Student shadow days begin at 9am, after our students have had a chance to arrive and settle in. Please prepare your child for their shadow day with a water bottle, snack, and lunch. We will provide any school supplies needed.
In the afternoon, please plan on arriving by 2:30 pm for an informal debrief and interview with our Head of School.
Shadow Day Sample Schedule
Grammarians (entering K-4th)
Join us at 9am for Period 1 Chronos Core - Memorize History, Geography, Science, Math, English, Latin & a Timeline to Music, movement & motions
9:35 Period 2 Language Arts
*Student Assessment & Interview with Administrator
10:35 Snack & Break outdoors
11:00 Period 3 Math - Life of Fred read aloud, Beast Academy at student’s pace
12:00 Lunch & Break outdoors
12:30 Period 4 Language & Literature - Reading & Latin activities
1:30 Period 5 Making History, Science, Math or Geometry
2:30 Period 6 Art Appreciation or Physical Education
*Parent interview with Administrator
3:30 Dismiss
3:45-5:00 optional Shadow an Enrichment class
Dialecticians (entering 5th-8th)
Join us at 8:45am for Period 1 Chronos Core - Integrated History, Literature, Science, Math, Philosophy, Current Events
9:35 Period 2 Math - Study the great mathematicians from history then hone math skills at your own pace on Beast Academy.
10:35 Snack & Break outdoors
11:00 Period 3 English Language Arts - Writing, Greek, Grammar, Literature
12:00 Lunch & Break outdoors
12:30 Period 4 Tutorial - Students complete assignments at school
*Student Assessment & Interview with Administrator
1:30 Period 5 Movement - Physical Education, Music and Drama
2:30 Period 6 Making History, Science, Art or Engineering
*Parent interview with Administrator
3:30 Dismiss
3:45-5:00 optional Shadow an Enrichment class
Chronos Core, Period 1
Land in another time & meet famous historical figures, scientists, mathematicians & artists. Memorize facts, create a timeline, and present on what interests you the most.
History, Memory Mastery
Science, Math, Literature & Philosophy
Geography & Timeline
Math, Period 2
Study the great mathematicians from history then hone math skills at your own pace.
Beast Academy
Use Beast Academy to acquire math skills at your own pace. Work individually or in small groups to master learning outcomes.
History of Math
Learn about the great mathematicians throughout history, their questions, and how math compelled them! Then join them by making your own mathematical discoveries and inquiries.
Euclidean Geometry
Using a compass & straightedge, recreate the proofs in Euclid’s Elements and design mathematical proofs of your own.
English Language Arts, Period 3
Using the Institute for Excellence in Writing approach, write about the events & people we’re studying and present them to your friends. K-2nd graders work on handwriting, phonics & sight words as well!
Read literature from history and about history. Annotate for literary techniques, vocabulary, style & theme.
Learn grammar through sentence diagramming philosophy quotes and editing great literature.
Latin or Greek Language
Memorize vocabulary, translate sentences, read Latin & Greek texts, and build language acquisition skills.
Research topics, write essays, study Latin or Greek with help from classmates and teachers.
Complete reading, writing & language assignments “homework” at school, and then at home just spend time with family.
Movement, Period 5
Physical Education
Learn the games of other times & cultures while developing personal health & fitness skills.
Making, Period 6
Make: History
Learn stories & explore technology of a time. Make their architecture, weapons, tools & toys and never forget it.
Make: Science
Examine the questions that sparked each scientist’s innovation, recreate his or her apparatus and conduct your own experiment to help you ask better questions, perhaps a question no one has ever asked before!
Art Appreciation
Experience an artist or famous work from each time period and recreate your own art in their style or medium.
Solve real problems by designing a solution, building a prototype, testing and improving it.
Friday Feats
Nature Hikes
Hike a trail, explore nature & experience Chronos history & science through Making, play acting, games & the outdoors.
View, sketch & integrate art to a timeline of our studies. Do an art scavenger hunt, then lead a discussion about history, subject & style.
Build sets, prepare costumes & props, memorize lines and act your role in a period play.
Session Celebrations
One the last Friday of each session, present music, theater and student projects to family & friends.