Chronos Curriculum for
Upper Dialecticians
Seventh & eighth graders are capable of challenging themselves at a new level. In Language Arts, they tackle advanced diagramming & literature, and they write persuasive essays & literary analyses. In math, they work to complete high school Algebra & Geometry. In research, they ask original questions, test the information they acquire, and integrate their research across topics.
A Day in a 7th-8th Grade Class
8:30-9:30 English Language Arts
Persuasive Essays - Research & Literary Analyses
Advanced Sentence Diagramming
Greek or Latin Language
Advanced Literature
9:30-10:30 Chronos Core
Math, Science, Literature & Philosophy Primary source texts
The Story of the World history discussions
Current events Socratic Seminars
Memory master quizzes
Research & Presentations every week
10:30-11:00 Snack & Outdoor play
11:00-12:00 Math
High School Algebra or Geometry
12:00-12:30 Lunch & Outdoor play
12:30-1:30 Tutorial
Complete all assignments at school
Individual tutoring one hour per week
1:30-2:30 Art & PE
Art History & Technique
Cultural Games & Sports
2:30-3:30 MAKE time
STEAM projects integrate with History, Science, Math & Geometry topics
12:30-3:30 Friday Field Trips
Nature hikes & Museums
3:30 Dismiss
3:45-5:00 Optional After-School Enrichment
discuss primary source literature
Math at an individual pace
outdoor free play