Middle Ages Week 31

Thursday Cohorts

PreK-4th graders

History: When Henry VIII died, Edward VI ruled England. His sister Queen Mary was a Catholic. She killed plenty of Protestants. When she died then the throne went to Elizabeth, crowned queen in 1558. She ruled for half a century, never married, and England thought that she was really great.

Learn more about Elizabeth I on Khan Academy.

Read The Story of the World, Vol. 2, Chapter 38 and do the activities in the Activity Guide.

Geography: Memorize these countries of the Caribbean:
Antigua and Barbuda
St. Lucia
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinadad and Tobago

Practice memorizing the countries with this game!

Science: Three characteristics of the earth's landforms are shape, size and distance. Any flat map compromises one, two, or all three characteristics.

Math: Equality is (1) two symbols refer to the same object, (2) two sets have the same elements, or (3) two expressions evaluate to the same value.

Greek: Memorize Greek Deponent Verb Present Tense:
ὁ κύκλος the circle
τό τρίγωνον the triangle
ἡ γωνία the angle
ἡ γράμμή the line
τό σημεῖον the point


An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun right beside it.

Learn more about verbals on Grammar Revolution.

Presentation: Prepare a presentation on one of these activities or another topic you’ve been learning and share with the class next week!

Writing Club (3-4th)

Medieval History-Based Writing: Write 3 body paragraphs for Chronos Capstone.
Diagram Week 31 sentences.

Dialecticians (5-8th grades)

Writing: After reading Act 2, Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet, write a paragraph analyzing Shakespeare’s use of metaphor and imagery! As always, be sure to include all dress-ups (ly adverb, who-which clause, www.asia.b adverbial clause, quality adjective, strong verb), all openers (subject, preposition, www.asia.b, ly adverb, -ing participle, very short sentence), and one decoration (conversation, alliteration, simile, metaphor or 3 short staccato sentences) in each paragraph in your essay.

Capstone: You’ve already picked a person from the Middle Ages for your Capstone and researched him/her in an encyclopedia, wikipedia or text book and chosen 3 interesting areas of his/her life or study to focus on, for example, da Vinci’s art, inventions & physiological study. You found 3 easy resources (like Eye Witness books), completed a merged key word outline on each of your 3 topics and a Bibliography!

The next step is to write your 3 body paragraphs. As you write, challenge yourself to include 1-3 stylistic techniques in each sentence. This is much easier then editing them in later!  Be sure to include all dress-ups (ly adverb, who-which clause, www.asia.b adverbial clause, quality adjective, strong verb), all openers (subject, preposition, www.asia.b, ly adverb, -ing participle, very short sentence), and one decoration (conversation, alliteration, simile, metaphor or 3 short staccato sentences) in each paragraph in your essay.

Have an adult edit it with you, and then type your final draft!

Geography quiz: We’ll retake our geography quizzes on Asia & Oceania & also Europe until we have all the countries & geographical features memorized.  Study Lizardpoint or test yourself on paper!  We’ll have a final map quiz of the entire world in 3 weeks!

Presentation: Research and prepare a notecard keyword outline for your presentation this week.  Don’t write it out word for word, and do bring a note card of your key word outline - you’ll forget what you learned!  Here are some of the topics you picked in class:

History - Eva, Luca- Elizabeth I, Mary I or a video on Khan Academy
Geography - Nikyla, Henry, Cooper, Catalina- The Caribbean Choose a country to teach us about.
Art/Literature - Maggie, Jocelyn, Phoebe- William Shakespeare’s biography, Twelfth Night - all men cast performed at the Globe, Art based on Midsummer Nights Dream
Science - Maisy- Geradus Mercator, Mercator Projection, Map Projections
Math - Robert Recorde, Definition of Equality, first written equal sign

History: When Henry VIII died, Edward VI ruled England. His sister Queen Mary was a Catholic. She killed plenty of Protestants. When she died then the throne went to Elizabeth, crowned queen in 1558. She ruled for half a century, never married, and England thought that she was really great.

Learn more about Elizabeth I on Khan Academy.
Read The Story of the World, Vol. 2, Chapter 38 and do the activities in the Activity Guide.

Geography: Memorize these countries of the Caribbean:
Antigua and Barbuda
St. Lucia
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinadad and Tobago

Practice memorizing the countries with this game!

Science: Three characteristics of the earth's landforms are shape, size and distance. Any flat map compromises one, two, or all three characteristics.

Math: Equality is (1) two symbols refer to the same object, (2) two sets have the same elements, or (3) two expressions evaluate to the same value.

Greek: Memorize Greek Deponent Verb Present Tense:
ὁ κύκλος the circle
τό τρίγωνον the triangle
ἡ γωνία the angle
ἡ γράμμή the line
τό σημεῖον the point

An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun right beside it.

Learn more about verbals on Grammar Revolution.

Diagramming: Complete question confirmation & label each word in the sentence, state structure, purpose & patterns for each and diagram Week 31 sentences:

  1. Elizabeth I began to rule after her brother and sister died.

  2. Did Hubble use math to prove his theory of an expanding universe?

  3. Using passive resistance, Gandhi taught the lower castes to protest peacefully.

  4. Germany, Austria and Turkey named themselves the Central Powers, and Great Britain, Russia and France allied to defend their nations against them.

  5. Often depicting ordinary objects in an unusual context, Rene Margritte was known to challenge observers' preconditioned perceptions of reality.

  6. Vladimir Lenin was determined to bring Socialism to Russia, so he led the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917?

  7. When planets appear to move in the opposite direction as the stars, scientists name it "apparent retrograde motion," but they call planets moving in the same direction "prograde motion."

  8. An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that serves to rename another noun beside it.

  9. To make a flat map of the spherical earth is to compromise shape, size or distance!

Tuesday classes

Book Club: We have discussed several themes in our books this year: God, family, role of women, heroism, victims & enemies, racism, classism, etc.  Pick a theme and write a paragraph on evidences you found of that theme in either The Kite Rider and Crispin Cross of Lead. Then write a second paragraph on the same theme in a book you’ve checked out from the Book Club Library and read this year. Be ready to share your paragraphs in class this Tuesday. We will continue reading The Kite Rider and Crispin Cross of Lead in class.

MAKE: History: We’ll read The Story of the World, Vol. 2, Chapter 38-39 and practice Shakespearean sword fighting!

Drawing out Arithmetic: In class we’ll continue Book 5 definitions.

Greek: Complete any unfinished sections in your Greek workbook and begin translating the New Testament passage distributed in class.


Wednesday classes

Make Science: In class we’ll learn more about Mercator and map projections.

Math Club: Learn about Recorde and the definition of equality.

Art Appreciation: Learn about art during the Council of Trent.

Writing Club Homework: DUE ON  MAY 23, 2018
for Upper Dialecticians (7-9) and Lower Dialecticians (5-6) & Upper Grammarians (3-4)

IEW Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons:
Capstone: You’ve already picked a person from the Middle Ages for your Capstone and researched him/her in an encyclopedia, wikipedia or text book and chosen 3 interesting areas of his/her life or study to focus on, for example, da Vinci’s art, inventions & physiological study. You found 3 easy resources (like Eye Witness books), completed a merged key word outline on each of your 3 topics and a Bibliography!

The next step is to write your 3 body paragraphs. As you write, challenge yourself to include 1-3 stylistic techniques in each sentence. This is much easier then editing them in later!  Be sure to include all dress-ups (ly adverb, who-which clause, www.asia.b adverbial clause, quality adjective, strong verb), all openers (subject, preposition, www.asia.b, ly adverb, -ing participle, very short sentence), and one decoration (conversation, alliteration, simile, metaphor or 3 short staccato sentences) in each paragraph in your essay.Have an adult edit with you and type your final draft!

Fix it! Grammar:

Complete Week 30 in your book. Copy the corrected paragraph into your notebook.  Review the Grammar Cards in the back of your notebook. They really help! Suggestion: use two different colored pencils to correct the punctuation and parts of speech. Review in preparation for next weeks!